tune up with ila

ILA ABEDIANMindset and Meditation Coach

My goal is to help clients empower themselves and enhance the quality of their lives, thru discovering and embodying their own healing power, building a sanctuary within themselves, and cultivating genuine enthusiasm for life.

My philosophyWithin each and every one of us lives the source of all existence. This is the power that is animating us, it is who and what we are at the core of our beings. I see the human body as an instrument, with our mind and hearts being internal programming systems. Like any other instrument and programming system, they require a certain amount of maintenance and alignment. I call this "tuning up" our human instruments. In my approach, I help clients deeply understand how to approach their minds and hearts from a loving and curious place, by guiding them to connect to the inherent power that lives within them, and is them. I help clients tune up their internal environment/systems and, in turn, build a harmonious, playful, and intimate relationship with their mind, through helping them understand the role their mind plays in their experience.

My StoryIn 2018, I was on the edge of losing all faith in life and was devastatingly close to believing joy was a foreign experience, reserved for a select few. Of course, I had experienced joy in my life, but it always felt fleeting. I felt emotional crippled by my past and by what I thought was a failed life, in all regards. Through the suffering, I unexpectedly stumbled upon spiritual literature, and experienced a profound revelation that radically changed life as I knew it.Through the words of spiritual teachers such as Eckhart Tolle, Neville Goddard, Florence Scovel Shinn, Ernest Holmes, and Emmett Fox, to name a few, I discovered that the source of fulfillment, abundance and unwavering joy lived within me; however, it was buried under years upon years of toxic, depleting and limiting thought patterns. Over the next 7 years, I dedicated my life to studying the teachings of the greatest spiritual teachers, whose words profoundly resonated with me to the depths of my being and became a licensed meditation teacher along the way.Though I am trained under the brilliant Dr. Loren Roche and his equally brilliant and vivacious wife, Camille Maureen in the school of Instinctive Meditation, I have developed my own approach and philosophies to meditation and the human experience. My passion for sharing my learnings has infused every endeavor I have embarked on since experiencing my initial revelation in 2018. Since then, I have guided many of my friends on their own spiritual/meditation journeys. I have spent the last couple of years bartending around Livingston, and even though the bar scene is far from the traditional zen setting, I still managed to infuse that work with the essence of my passion. Now, stars have aligned, and I find myself in the perfect condition to offer my work to the community, which is an absolute honor. I look forward to serving our local community, and beyond, to help those who are seeking discover, and embody, their inherent power more genuinely and unwaveringly.

60 min coaching session - $100
90 min coaching session -$140
30 minute tune up (available after 3 initial 60 or 90 min sessions) - $60
Packages available upon request
*all sessions available in person or virtually
please email or call/text to schedule a session
[email protected] ● 406-220-6311

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